Wednesday 1 May 2013

Heeral Patel – Evaluation: Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

We have developed our skills from our preliminary on how to film and use editing; there were few shots that we had to retake as we didn’t use many transitions or different types of camera angle. In our preliminary task there were few shots we didn’t pay attention for example: we didn’t see the surrounding around our character, some of the shots were out of focus which ruined some of our shots. 
During this process we learnt to improve not to use long shot because they end up losing audience’s attention. How to flow from one shot to another: using match on action gives a sense of continuity for this reason we decided to use this technique in our opening sequence.  When Maya gets out of bed and she is straight in the bathroom I think this was very effective and done well as this fits in well with the thriller theme of sudden changes

shadow image

similar photo

This shot of the left is very effective because we have let the natural light from the window to create a shadow, also that I am dressed in black n the wall on the left and right side of me where black so the lighting from the background was a sign of hope if it was a thriller. This creates a silhouette mysterious figure behind the camera. 

The shot on the right shows that we had a very good lining on the floor where I was walking pass , having shot this accurate highlights the action happening in the scene which the audience can take in account.  From this I have learnt that the image in the camera screen should always be in line/ straight for it to look accurate and professional done.

The shot of Maya reading the paper is well composed as the newspaper is in the centre where it get the highest attention and Maya is in the ¼ of the scene.
Another shot that I thought was done accurately using composition skills:  was when Maya is in bed and the alarm is in front on the side table to focus on the alarm clock we used the function the camera to blur Maya’s face.

Heeral Patel - Evaluation Question6 :what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Heeral Patel – Evaluation: Question5: how did you attract/ address your audience?

By using suitable props and shots we were able to make communication with the audience and get them to engage with our theme. As the 15+ is a for young adult who may not be familiar with the concepts of a thriller therefore we used less complicated visions such as the language itself or some disturbing scene. 


As we were making a film of 15+ we had to check the classification for this we used the website: where we got the information on what and how much to include in our opening which is appropriate for that age group , therefore there was no use of sex scene, swearing or discriminatory language .

The use of sound which was made on imac, it was done using piano and had drums and guitar playing within it, this created a mysterious environment. This soundtrack was played toward the opening s we had no dialogues this make the atmosphere creepy and built up tension of what will come next.

We didn’t challenge the camera shots or editing as we didn’t want to make any scenes of ours complicated, our setting that we have used for AS media is a house which makes it all realistic, the use of dark scenes such as the bed scene, this shot to be done in school would be very difficult as we have to be careful managing the lighting. To represent our theme we had good use of mice en scene such as pill box, white colour, doctor’s note , these things would appeal to the audience .

The white paper

Due to the questionnaire that we had done for our audience research gave us imminent into the popular thriller themes which are used within the thrillers that are preferred.  By using an white British blonde girl in our product which the audience could easily identify as being the main character but yet feel sympathy towards her due to her abnormal disorder. By having no such script in our opening made our character seem helpless and this is how we were able to address the audience and grab their attention by making them feel a part of it. The piano in the soundtrack had a echoing effect which created an peculiar atmosphere, this made it recognizable by the audience as they would know the approaching threat in the film.

Heeral Patel – Evaluation: Question4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

For our audience research we asked questions to a certain age group of 15 to 60 years olds who would prefer a thriller films, doing a questionnaire or any other method we can find out what the audience best prefer to watch when choosing thriller films. By doing audience research we are able to gather information which can help us add convention that the audiences are most willing to see and they can relate with.

 In the questionnaire, we asked the volunteer if they knew the different between a horror and a thriller and we found that majority of people lacked the knowledge of knowing the difference. Another question was if music was an importance factor in any films.

Using Microsoft excel we made our data bar chart which represented the results we gained from our questionnaires. 

The majority of we asked didn't know the difference between
thriller and horror.
 We found that a high percentage of people thought it was important as it helps to build up the whole film and can contribute to the change in the atmosphere. From our questionnaire’s results we made a soundtrack on using ‘garageband’, where the sound was playing throughout our opening.

The majority of people we asked were from aged 16-18
giving us a clear view on what this age group
would prefer
16 to 18 was the highest percentage of young pupil that enjoyed thriller therefore we decided to go with an age group of 15+.

Heeral Patel – Evaluation: Question3 What kind of media intuition might distribute your media product and why?

The audience we researched for were mainly mainstream audience and the convention used in our opening reflects the need of 15+ and mainstream production. When we researched we found out that people couldn't distinguish between thriller and horror therefore we had to use simper versions of convention.  The production of the film comes first in the film titles as it introduces the institutional company which shows if it’s a mainstream or independent. A mainstream product is easily reconginable by by a wider audience as it includes he theme they'd be interested in.
Production Company
A production company is responsible for fundraising; it deals with scheduling, scripting and signing artists. 

Columbia picture would be a reasonable media institution company that would distribute our product; this picture is owned by a mainstream company ‘Sony’ which is appropriate as we have produced a mainstream opening. 

Heeral Patel – evaluation: question 2 how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Young blonde girls are often stereotyped as making little use of their intelligence. Similarly in our opening we have a middle class girl who is emotional unstable, weak girl who gets disturbed by the bizarre situations occurring with her.
This idea is linked back to the film ‘the hand that rocks a cradle’. Where the woman is emotional broken down after finding out her husband’s affairs therefore loses her child due to stress.

The 1992 thriller film' the hand that rocks the cradles
staring Peyton Flanders 
Maya Dolman Bowles

From our questionnaire we asked many of our volunteer what class they belonged to?Most were lower/middle class so for that reason we choose a character who’s an ordinary British girl who seems closed and vulnerable. 
  • Peyton Flanders takes on a job of a nanny in order to destroy a woman’s happiness by stealing her family.
  • She takes on this role as she can’t bare the trauma of miscarriage and her husband’s affair.  
  •  Audience's make stereotypical views on blonde female social groups are as being less intelligent.
  • Her appearance is very much similar to our character as they are both young attractive women who are mental disturbed yet unnoticeable.