Wednesday 1 May 2013

Heeral Patel – Evaluation: Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

We have developed our skills from our preliminary on how to film and use editing; there were few shots that we had to retake as we didn’t use many transitions or different types of camera angle. In our preliminary task there were few shots we didn’t pay attention for example: we didn’t see the surrounding around our character, some of the shots were out of focus which ruined some of our shots. 
During this process we learnt to improve not to use long shot because they end up losing audience’s attention. How to flow from one shot to another: using match on action gives a sense of continuity for this reason we decided to use this technique in our opening sequence.  When Maya gets out of bed and she is straight in the bathroom I think this was very effective and done well as this fits in well with the thriller theme of sudden changes

shadow image

similar photo

This shot of the left is very effective because we have let the natural light from the window to create a shadow, also that I am dressed in black n the wall on the left and right side of me where black so the lighting from the background was a sign of hope if it was a thriller. This creates a silhouette mysterious figure behind the camera. 

The shot on the right shows that we had a very good lining on the floor where I was walking pass , having shot this accurate highlights the action happening in the scene which the audience can take in account.  From this I have learnt that the image in the camera screen should always be in line/ straight for it to look accurate and professional done.

The shot of Maya reading the paper is well composed as the newspaper is in the centre where it get the highest attention and Maya is in the ¼ of the scene.
Another shot that I thought was done accurately using composition skills:  was when Maya is in bed and the alarm is in front on the side table to focus on the alarm clock we used the function the camera to blur Maya’s face.

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