Monday 21 January 2013

Product Research: Blood Simple (1984)


The reaccuring theme of the photograph with the man and the woman is intriguing because it shows that this is important in the storyline of the film and it made my mind begin to wonder what happened with these two characters.

The conversation that the two men have at the beginning makes me think that they are detectives as they discuss the lives of the two people in the photograph, and as they speak to each other there are shots of these two people over their voices which I thought was effective because it made it clear that this film is connected with a crime or a mystery that needs solving. This intrigued me more and made me want to watch the whole film.

The shot shown on the right gave me an idea that a happy couple's lives are interrupted or disturbed as the man is being the stereotypical role in the relationship and comforting and holding the woman in his arms. The fact that the woman has her head turned away shows that something may have happened to make her upset.

This is then confirmed when there is a shot revealing the woman's expression (shown on the left). She looks distressed and desperate for the man to protect her, suggesting that something very dramatic has happened.

There is then various shots showing methods of murder, a gun and a spade. There is then a shot from a gun's aiming point of view pointing at a character which looks young and perhaps vulnerable.

I liked it being from the aiming point of view because I felt more tense and with the music of deep strings and a beat getting faster, it became very effective and the shots were shorter which created a faster pace and it built up.

There is also frequent sounds of gun shots nearer the end, showing that the characters are in dangerous situations and it makes you more interested to find out what happens,

Overall, I enjoyed this trailer as it had all of the conventions that I expected from a good thriller but not so typical that I would be able to guess what happens, it left me wanting to find out more about the plot.

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