Tuesday 19 March 2013

Audience Feedback

       These are some of the questions that we asked our peers who are within the same age range of our target audience.

·         Is it too ambiguous? (themes, storyline)

·         Does the music go well with the shots?

·         Is it a recognisable thriller?

·         Are there any shots which don’t fit nicely with the rest of the shots?

·         Does the music create a typical thriller type atmosphere?

·         Is the editing appropriate for a thriller?

We were aware of some of the feedback that we received that was mentioned by our peers, they are:

·         Some of the shots at the beginning were grainy.

·         Add the alarm sounding to make it more realistic or change the clock. 

·         There is more in the bathroom scene then the room.

For improvement

·         In the bedroom scene to change the lighting, make the room darker but with a slit of light shining through the curtains onto Maya's face.

·         Reshoot the dream scene so the audience can recognise that it's a dream

·         Reshoot the newspaper scene to make it more realistic

·         Reshoot the end scene as they are not fully focused  

·         The blood that drops from the vase can seem too watery, experiment to see how to improve this. 

Friday 15 March 2013

Opening Titles: After Effects

I decided to continue with doing handwriting effects for the titles because it fitted nicely with the shots of the psychiatrist's notes as there is a signature on the notes.

After watching YouTube tutorial videos, I am now comfortable with using After Effects and have grasped the basics of how to use it.

I then went onto looking at tutorials for a shatter effect as when the vase smashes on the floor, I thought it would fit nicely with the title to be placed here.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Updated storyboards

We noticed some faults in our previous storyboards, and therefore altered them and edited them changing length of various shots, we developed them and we changed the scene where she is talking to her physiatrist, because we wanted to make it more implied than obvious that she has one.

Monday 4 March 2013

Moving Storyboard

I began making the soundtrack to the thriller opening by looking at the storyboard but as a movie file, as if it was the real footage.

It also gave me a rough idea of how long the opening would be and if each shot worked well with the length we gave them.