Sunday 14 April 2013

Eve Dolman-Bowles - Evaluation: Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Classification of 15+ was a perfect audience for us, because it
allowed us to imply a form of violence has occurred
We attracted the audience, by creating a mainstream thriller, so we could appeal to the wider audience using typical conventions of the genre.
We classified our thriller product for ages 15, we looked up what this can and cannot include. the 15 classification didnt restrict us because we wouldnt be making scenes that involved drug taking, sex or strong language.
Also we did some audience research, we created a questionnaire asking questions we really felt would help improve our product after showing our rough cut to a group of our target audience. We also got feedback about what they thought. They thought some shots were too grainy, change the clock to one that fits the genre. An example of an improvement we made from this feedback was in the bedroom scene to change the lightening, make the room darker but with a slit of light shining through the curtains onto Mayas face. So we made improvements in terms of what the audience felt would look better and what would appeal to them for a thriller genre. We also recognised faults ourselves, and took it upon ourselves to improve them, and example of one was to reshoot the dream scene to make it more recognisable that it’s a dream. 

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