Saturday 13 April 2013

Hannah Jolley - Evaluation: Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

To find out our target audience for our film, we did a questionairre to get ideas for the best way to make our Thriller suitable for the audience and to give us an idea of what the audience were used to in terms of lifestyle, and their consumption of media.

We included questions such as the location they live in, whether they are familiar with the conventions of a Thriller, whether they find music important in a film and what their favourite genre of film is. 

The majority of people we asked were aged 16 to 18, giving us a clear idea
of what this age group would like most.

We found that a very high percentage of our questionairre found music very important in impacting a scene/film and how it can change an atmosphere or feeling of a film. This had an effect on how we made our Thriller opening because we had a soundtrack running over the whole of the opening to keep a continuous atmosphere.

By asking simple questions we could get a good idea of the themes to include and the places to set our Thriller in as we wanted for the audience to relate to the scene easily enough so they would be able to follow the storyline.

  • We used Microsoft Excel to gather our results and show the most common answer, to then get a definite answer on the age group of our audience and the corresponding themes and conventions related with this age group. 
  • Our target audience would be aged 16-18/19 as most of the themes explored in our film would be easily understood by this age group and as we found from our questionairre, not many teenagers could describe the differences between a Thriller and a Horror so we made our opening as obvious as possible that it was a Thriller so it could then be recognised to the targeted audience as a Thriller. 
  • As our main character is a British young woman, our audience could be both male and female but people of similar appearance/background might be able to relate easier with the setting/location and situations included in our film. 

Here is an example of what 'they' might look like: 

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