Sunday 14 April 2013

Eve Dolman-Bowles - Evaluation: Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the preliminary task, we struggled a bit, as we concentrated a bit too much on shots, for example her walking to the place, rather than match on action or shot reverse shot, so we started again and made sure we got the right shots. We learnt from this and we used our new knowledge to know its better to have a really good quality shot rather than a long meaningless one. We also learnt how to create a realistic looking conversation between two people and how to make editing flow from one shot to the other, for instance in our full product, the protagonist wakes up from her alarm and in the background you can see her getting out of bed, we then move to a long shot, to continue her actions of getting out of bed, this creates a bigger frame and the audience can see more.

We spent a bit to long at first, with a long of progressive shots like this one, we found they were a waste of time.

Match on action creates a flow from one point to another. This is easier to portray than we expected and because of this, we used it in our full product, as we liked the effect it gave.

From our preliminary task, we also create storyboards, which made the process a lot simpler because we could refer back to it when we were filming. For our final product we did the same which also helped a lot and made it easier to create the product because we could visualise what we wanted.

I hadn't used iMovie in a awhile and the preliminary task defiantly helped me get used to things again, where things are and the effects i could create. When editing our preliminary task, we saw how simple it was to create a match on action and shot reverse shot effect. This helped us in our final product when we created a jump cut.

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