Saturday 13 April 2013

Hannah Jolley - Evaluation: Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

When we did our audience research we found that the answers overall showed that using mainstream conventions of a Thriller would be best for the audience we were targeting as not all of them recognised the distinctive features of a Horror compared to a Thriller.

I think an example of an appropriate media institution that would distribute our product would be Paramount Pictures, as they are a mainstream distribution company. We had planned to produce a mainstream Thriller film as the themes we explored, psychological instability and murder, were easy to recognise as a Thriller. We chose to do a mainstream film as we knew it would be easier to appeal to a wider audience and most of our storyline ideas all conformed to appealing to a bigger and generalised audience because of the themes they included would be easily recognisable to most people.

A screenshot taken from the Trailer of the film, 'Abandon'.

In the Paramount thriller, 'Abandon', the storyline and themes are easily recognised as they use the stereotypical teenage American character's, and the film is about a teenage couple, where the boyfriend goes missing and it focus's on how the girlfriend, Katie Burke struggles with trying to figure out how it happened. Again, seen in many mainstream films, it is the female character who is seen being vulnerable. This also applies to our film, which is why it would be a mainstream Thriller.

The order of the titles in our opening were typical of a mainstream film as the production name came first, then the directors name and so on. We did this so the audience could understand and could follow the opening of the film easily.
Paramount Pictures distribution company logo 2013

We chose our production company name 'On Air Productions' as the phrase 'On Air' is often used in film/tv/music production as a command to make others aware that the production has begun. 

The logo we chose to do was quite simple as we didn't have much time to spend creating a logo in Photoshop, although, we did spend time using the 'Shine' effect in After Effects on the text of our production company name to make it a good opening visual before the film began. 

Our production name with the 'Shine' effect.

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